After a period of disruption, WhatsApp, owned by Meta Platforms (META.O), has finally resumed its services, bringing relief to thousands of users worldwide. The messaging app suffered a significant outage that lasted for several hours, leaving users unable to send messages or access the platform.
WhatsApp confirmed via a post on the social media platform X that the technical issues causing the outage have been successfully resolved, marking the end of the service interruption. The outage, at its peak, affected over 24,000 users in the United States alone, according to data from Downdetector. Additionally, Instagram, another platform under Meta’s umbrella, experienced over 5,000 outages during the same period.
Despite the resolution of the primary issues, around 1,000 Instagram users in the United States continue to face lingering problems, as reported by Downdetector. The impact of the WhatsApp outage extended globally, affecting thousands of users in countries such as India, the United Kingdom, and Brazil, as highlighted by Downdetector’s data.
Meta, the parent company of WhatsApp and Instagram, did not immediately respond to requests for comment from Reuters regarding the outage and its resolution. This incident follows a similar disruption last month, during which hundreds of thousands of Facebook and Instagram users experienced a global outage lasting over two hours, attributed to technical issues.
Meta Platforms boasts a massive user base, with approximately 3.19 billion daily active users across its suite of apps, including WhatsApp, Instagram, and Threads. The recent outages serve as a reminder of the substantial impact such technical glitches can have on the digital lives of millions worldwide.