Minister Says Maldives Government Will Abide by ICC Warrant on Netanyahu Amid Hypocrisy Allegations Over Israel Policy
The Maldives will enforce all international court orders without exception, including the International Criminal Court’s (ICC) arrest warrant for Israeli...
Parliament Approves Record MVR 56.6 Billion Budget for 2025
Parliament on Wednesday approved a record MVR 56.6 billion budget for 2025, with 70 members voting in favour and 11...
MMA Proposes Forex Bill; Critics Highlight Shift in President’s Stance
The Maldives Monetary Authority (MMA) has proposed a foreign exchange bill to Parliament, proposing concessions to its controversial rules mandating...
PNC PG Leader Calls for Broader Consultation on Israeli Passport Ban Amid Stalled Legislation
Ruling People’s National Congress (PNC) parliamentary group leader Ibrahim Falah on Monday called for consultation with Palestinians, Arab nations, and...
Former MP Challenges Constitutional Amendment in Supreme Court
Former MP and lawyer Ali Hussain has filed a petition with the Supreme Court seeking to invalidate the recent constitutional...
Muizzu Hails ICC Arrest Warrant for Netanyahu Amid Backlash Over ‘Hypocrisy’ on Israel Ban
President Mohamed Muizzu has welcomed the International Criminal Court’s (ICC) decision to issue an arrest warrant for Israeli Prime Minister...
Opposition Leader Calls for Recall Votes in Anti-Defection Cases
Opposition leader Fayyaz Ismail on Thursday criticised the constitutional amendment passed by Parliament that imposes stricter anti-defection measures on parliamentarians,...
Muizzu’s Constitutional Amendment—A Blow to Democratic Norms?
The enactment of a constitutional amendment by the Muizzu administration on Wednesday marks a significant moment in Maldivian politics, one...
Muizzu Signs Controversial Constitutional Amendment Into Law
President Mohamed Muizzu on Wednesday swiftly signed into law a contentious constitutional amendment expanding presidential powers and imposing stricter measures...
Parliament Approves Constitutional Amendment to Curtail MP Defections, Expand Presidential Powers
Parliament on Wednesday passed a controversial constitutional amendment that introduces stricter measures against parliamentarians switching political parties, while also expanding...