Google has unveiled the latest update for its first-generation Pixel Watch, set to enhance user experience with a slew of new features and improvements. The announcement, made on April 3rd, reveals that the April 2024 update, labelled TWD9.240405.001, is now rolling out to Pixel Watch owners worldwide.

In a detailed post by the Pixel Watch support team, it was disclosed that the update encompasses a range of enhancements, bug fixes, and performance optimisations. Among the standout additions is the introduction of the Vibration Watch feature, designed to provide tactile feedback by vibrating the current time whenever users interact with the watch face.

Furthermore, users can expect refinements in the auto-brightness functionality, promising smoother transitions between brightness levels for a more seamless experience. Pixel Watch owners are encouraged to navigate to Settings > System > System Updates to check for the update manually, with the rollout expected to reach all devices over the coming week.

While the update primarily focuses on enhancing the user experience, speculation looms regarding whether it incorporates the recently discovered tracking app downloads feature. This feature, resembling the progress bar for app updates seen on Pixel phones, could potentially streamline the app update process for Pixel Watch users.

Notably, this firmware release coincides with the March feature drop, which brought several notable additions to the original Pixel Watch. These included pace training, heart zone training, and auto workout mode, features previously exclusive to the Pixel Watch 2. Additionally, Pixel Watch owners received the Fitbit Relax app, aiding users in guided breathing exercises.

As Google continues to refine its wearable technology, Pixel Watch users can anticipate ongoing improvements and feature enhancements to further elevate their smartwatch experience.