The Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) has encountered obstacles in its investigation into the ‘Gedhoruveriya’ housing scheme. The probe, which began following over 325 complaints regarding the initial list of flat recipients, is currently at a standstill due to the commission’s inability to access the scheme’s dedicated portal.
Previously, the ACC uncovered discrepancies in the allocation of flats, noting irregularities in the point allocation process. Despite claims of an automated system, points were manually adjusted during the approval stage. This revelation came amidst the ACC’s month-long investigation, with no completion date in sight.
Adam Shamil, President of the ACC, highlighted that their current findings are based on internal information, stressing the importance of portal access for a comprehensive investigation.
During a session with Parliament’s independent institutions committee, the ACC discussed these findings and their instructions to the Ministry of Housing to address the complaints. Despite these directives, the final list did not reflect the necessary changes, indicating possible score manipulation in the approval process.
Abdul Salam, Vice President of the ACC, revealed instances where ineligible applicants had their points altered, citing specific cases of discrepancy. He also pointed out cases of misrepresentation of applicants’ residency, leading to wrongful flat allocation.
The ACC suspects that a small number of officials, potentially guilty of misconduct and abuse of authority, were responsible for these approvals.
In response, former State Minister Akram Kamaluddeen, who chaired the committee on land plots and flats, refuted the ACC’s claims, denouncing them as politically motivated and criticising the ACC for premature public statements without a thorough investigation.