A 15-year-old boy has died after falling from the 12th floor of a Hiyaa flat tower in Hulhumalé, the Hulhumalé Hospital has confirmed. The boy, who hailed from Dhihdhoo Island of Haa Alifu Atoll, was receiving emergency treatment at the hospital where he was pronounced dead at 12:45 a.m. The incident occurred just before midnight on Saturday, the police said.

According to witnesses, the child, who fell from the 12th floor and struck the bonnet of a car parked 15 feet from the building as he landed, had suffered what turned out to be fatal injuries to his head and one leg. Traces of blood were visible on the car and the ground, witnesses said. The 15-year-old had been unresponsive when he was taken to the hospital.

The cause of the fall remains unclear and the authorities are investigating the incident.