Tamil Nadu’s Chief Minister, Muthuvel Karunanidhi Stalin, has written to India’s Minister of External Affairs, Subrahmanyam Jaishankar, seeking the Indian government’s ‘urgent intervention’ to secure the release of 12 Indian fishermen and their fishing vessel ‘Holy Spirit,’ detained while poaching inside the Maldives’ territorial waters.
The vessel was seized and all 12 of the crew were apprehended by the Maldives National Defence Force (MNDF) Coast Guard on 23 October. However, in a letter dated 6 November, Stalin insisted that ‘they were pursuing their legitimate fishing activities in the high seas,’ hinting that the vessel was detained outside the Maldives’ territorial waters.
Stalin had earlier sought Jaishankar’s assistance on the issue during a meeting with the External Affairs Minister on 28 October.
“The Ministry of Fisheries, Marine Resources and Agriculture of the Republic of Maldives has imposed a substantial fine of MVR 42,00,000 i.e., approximately Rs 2.25 crores, on the operator of the fishing vessel on 1.11.2023. Furthermore, they have informed that the penalty amount must be settled within 30 days from the receipt of the notice and the vessel will be detained by the Maldives Police Force until the fine is paid,” the letter read.
In his letter, Stalin highlighted that the only source of income for the fishermen and their families was their catch and that the fine imposed on them, by the Maldivian government, was beyond their means and threatened to permanently impoverish them.
“… I request your urgent intervention on behalf of these fishermen and seek waiver of the penalty imposed on the vessel,” the chief minister wrote requesting the minister’s assistance.