Presidential Runoff: Voter Turnout Grows
The presidential runoff has seen a steady increase in voter turnout throughout the morning, as both the ruling party and...
Presidential Runoff: What Observers Said Before
As voters in the Maldives head to the polls for the second round of the presidential elections, attention has been...
Presidential Runoff: Voters to be Marked on Left Ring Finger, Increased Observers Deployed
As the voting beings for the second round of the presidential election, the Elections Commission of the Maldives (EC) has...
Voting Begins in High-Stakes Presidential Election Runoff
Voters headed to the polls on Saturday for a highly anticipated presidential election runoff, following a fervent electoral battle that...
Six New Constituencies Added for 2024 Parliamentary Elections, Total Seats Rise to 93
The Elections Commission (EC) has announced the parliamentary make-up for the 2024 parliamentary elections, which would see six additional seats...
Overseas Voter Registration Almost Doubles
Overseas voter re-registrations nearly doubled, when compared to the first round, for Saturday’s second round of the presidential election, the...
A Brief Look at Parliamentary Paper on Proposed Changes to Maldives’ Governance System
The Parliament has put forth a paper proposing comprehensive changes to the system of governance from a presidential system to...
EC Publishes Interim Voter Rolls, Increases Ballot Boxes, Officials
The Elections Commission (EC) has announced that 12 additional ballot boxes will come online for the second-round run-off of the...
Elections Commission Opens Window for Complaints on Voter Re-Registration
The Elections Commission (EC) has initiated a formal process for accepting complaints for voter re-registration in the run-off of the...
EC Ready for Referendum, Requires Additional Parliamentary Clarification
The Elections Commission (EC) has said it is ready to conduct a governance referendum on 29 October in accordance with...