The Ministry of National Planning, Housing and Infrastructure has commenced the formal process to transferring land plots to the beneficiaries of the Binveriya scheme in the greater  Malé region. 

Heralding the beginning  of the ambitious project to provide housing for a large number of residents, agreements are being signed with recipients of the land plots already reclaimed and ready for construction. 

The processing of the documentation began on Sunday at the Hulhumalé synthetic track. The ministry will individually notify recipients of the date and time they should attend the venue to sign the land allotment agreement.

To accommodate the various needs of recipients, the ministry has also facilitated an option to appoint a proxy for the signing of documents. Those wishing to take advantage of this facility are required to complete a “power of attorney” document available on the Gedhoruveriya Portal. A physical copy of this document must be provided to the designated proxy attending the signing process.

The ministry stipulated that individuals turning up for the agreement signing should bring a copy of the land recipient’s identity card along with their original identity card. In the event a proxy is used, a copy of the ‘power of attorney’ must also be provided.

To make the Binveriya scheme more effective, the Maldives government amended existing regulations. The ministry has now been granted discretionary powers to issue land registry, a task previously under the purview of island or city council authorities.

Prior draws have already been conducted to decide the beneficiaries for land plots in Hulhumalé, Gulhifalhu, and Giraavaru lagoon. 

The ministry had earlier announced that a total of 18,955 applicants are deemed eligible under the Binveriya housing scheme, with 9,003 plots slated for allocation amongst these eligible applicants.