Allied Insurance Company, a prominent insurance brand in the Maldives, has announced the launch of a weekly social media contest, ‘Win a Free Movie Night’. The contest offers participants the chance to win movie tickets, with draws taking place every Thursday. The lucky winners will receive tickets to movies at Schwack Cinema, according to the company.
The contest will run from 1 December 2023 until 4 January 2024. To participate, individuals must follow the company’s Facebook page, like, and share the contest poster post. The eligibility for the contest also includes sharing the post on a public profile and tagging up to three “movie-loving friends” in the comments section of the original post, the company said.
Founded in 1985, Allied Insurance Company, a subsidiary of the State Trading Organization (STO), has experienced significant growth over the years. The company caters to a diverse clientele, ranging from small-scale fishermen to major resort operators across the Maldives. Allied plays a crucial role in developing the Maldivian insurance industry and economy.