The police on Monday apprehended two individuals in connection with the stabbing of a 20-year-old man in Hithadhoo, Addu City on Sunday afternoon. The young man is currently receiving treatment at Equatorial Hospital in Hithadhoo.
With these latest arrests of two male suspects, aged 22 and 23, the total number of individuals detained in relation to the ongoing gang violence in Addu City has reached six.
The arrests come amid a heightened police response to curb the rise in gang violence, following the initial arrest of four individuals, aged 18, 19, 20, and 23, in relation to a separate incident of stabbing that left a 30-year-old man with life-threatening injuries. The injured individual has now been transferred to Malé City for further treatment, according to media reports.
The capital, Malé, has also seen an escalation in gang violence in recent weeks, with the police arresting three young men.